Featured Talks

You can find the list of the EuroSciPy2024 talks, below. Please see the list of EuroSciPy2024 posters here.

napari: multi-dimensional image visualization, annotation, and analysis in Python

Grzegorz Bokota, Wouter-Michiel Vierdag, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: Napari is an interactive n-dimensional image viewer for Python. It is able to rapidly render and interactively visualize almost any array like image data. Additionally, napari can overlay derived data, such as segmentations, points, polygons, surfaces and more. Each of these data exists as a layer in the napari viewer, which allows fine control over how the data is displayed. Furthermore, derived data can be edited. Together with the capability of writing plugins, napari lets you seamlessly weave exploration, computation, and annotation in common and custom image analysis workflows.

LPython: Novel, Fast, Retargetable Python Compiler

Naman Gera, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), High Performance Computing

Abstract: Python is one of the most used languages today, known for its simplicity and versatile ecosystem. For performance applications such as High Performance Computing (HPC) or any other kind of numerical computing the standard CPython implementation is often not fast enough. To address these issues, enter the fascinating world of LPython, a Python compiler designed to give you the best possible performance for numerical, array-oriented code, and can also generate code using multiple backends like LLVM, C, C++, WASM.

fastplotlib: A high-level library for ultra fast visualization of large datasets using modern graphics APIs

Kushal Kolar, Caitlin Lewis, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: Fast interactive visualization remains a considerable barrier in analyses pipelines for large neuronal datasets. Here, we present fastplotlib, a scientific plotting library featuring an expressive API for very fast visualization of scientific data. Fastplotlib is built upon pygfx which utilizes the GPU via WGPU, allowing it to interface with modern graphics APIs such as Vulkan for fast rendering of objects. Fastplotlib is non-blocking, allowing for interactivity with data after plot generation. Ultimately, fastplotlib is a general purpose scientific plotting library that is useful for the fast and live visualization and analysis of complex datasets.

Combining Python and Rust to create Polars Plugins

Marco Gorelli, Tutorial, Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: Polars is a dataframe library taking the world by storm. It is very runtime and memory efficient and comes with a clean and expressive API. Sometimes, however, the built-in API isn’t enough. And that’s where its killer feature comes in: plugins. You can extend Polars, and solve practically any problem.

No prior Rust experience required, intermediate Python or general programming experience required. By the end of the session, you will know how to write your own Polars Plugin! This talk is aimed at data practitioners.

Simulated data is all you need: Bayesian parameter inference for scientific simulators with SBI

Jan Boelts (Teusen), Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Scientific Applications

Abstract: Simulators play a crucial role in scientific research, but accurately determining their parameters to reproduce observed data remains a significant challenge. Classical parameter inference methods often struggle due to the stochastic or black-box nature of these simulators. Simulation-based inference (SBI) offers a solution by enabling Bayesian parameter inference for simulation-based models: It only requires simulated data as input and returns a posterior distribution over suitable model parameters, including uncertainty estimates and parameter interactions. In this talk, we introduce SBI and present sbi, an open source library that serves as a central resource for SBI practitioners and researchers, offering state-of-the-art SBI algorithms, comprehensive documentation and tutorials.

Accelerating Python on HPC with Dask

Jacob Tomlinson, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), High Performance Computing

Abstract: Dask is a popular Python framework for scaling your workloads, whether you want to leverage all of the cores on your laptop and stream large datasets through memory, or scale your workload out to thousands of cores on large compute clusters. Dask allows you to distribute code using familiar APIs such as pandas, NumPy and scikit-learn or write your own distributed code with powerful parallel task-based programming primitives.

In this session we will dive into the many ways to deploy Dask workloads on HPC, and how to choose the right method for your workload. Then we will dig into the accelerated side of Dask and how you can leverage GPUs with RAPIDS and Dask CUDA and use UCX to take advantage of accelerated networking like Infiniband and NVLink.

Using the Array API to write code that runs with Numpy, Cupy and PyTorch

Tim Head, Sebastian Berg, Tutorial, High Performance Computing

Abstract: Python code that works with Numpy, Cupy and PyTorch arrays? Use a GPU when possible, but fallback to using a CPU if there is none? We will show you how you can write Python code that can do all of the above. The not so secret ingredient to do this is the Array API. In this workshop you will learn what the Array API is and how to use it to write programs that can take any compatible array as input.

Dispatching and Backend Selection Discussion

Sebastian Berg, Maintainer track, High Performance Computing

Abstract: In this session, we would like to briefly review the successful NetworkX backend selection and work towards a possible future dispatching project under the Scientific Python umbrella, spatch.

From data analysis in Jupyter Notebooks to production applications: AI infrastructure at reasonable scale

Frank Sauerburger, Talk (15 mins + Q&A), Machine and Deep Learning

Abstract: The availability of AI models and packages in the Python ecosystem has revolutionized many applications across domains. This talk discusses infrastructural decisions and best practices that bridge the gap between interactive data analyses in notebooks and production applications at a reasonable scale, suitable for both commercial and scientific contexts. In particular, the talk introduces the on-premises, Python-based AI architecture employed at MDPI, one of the largest open-access publishers. The presentation emphasizes the impact of the design on reproducibility, decoupling of different resources, and ease of use during the development and exploration phases.

Introduction to matplotlib for Data Visualization with Python

Nefta Kanilmaz, Tutorial, Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: matplotlib is a library for creating visualizations with Python which “…makes easy things easy and hard things possible” (https://matplotlib.org/). This tutorial, intended for beginners, will introduce the library and explain core concepts as well as the main interfaces. Starting with styling simple point data plots, we will explain how to work with several dimensions, shared axes and advanced styling options using rcParams. After completing this tutorial, participants will hopefully be equipped with a thorough understanding of matplotlib to navigate the “hard things” in the world of data visualization.

Multi-dimensional arrays with Scipp

Mridul Seth, Tutorial, High Performance Computing

Abstract: Inspired by xarray, Scipp enriches raw NumPy-like multi-dimensional data arrays by adding named dimensions and associated coordinates. For an even more intuitive and less error-prone user experience, Scipp adds physical units to arrays and their coordinates. Through this tutorial, participants will learn about the basics of modelling their data with the Scipp library and using in built tools in Scipp for scientific data analysis.

One of Scipp’s key features is the possibility of using multi-dimensional non-destructive binning to sort record-based “tabular”/”event” data into arrays of bins. This provides fast and flexible binning, rebinning, and filtering operations, all while preserving the original individual records.

Scipp ships with data display and visualization features for Jupyter notebooks, including a powerful plotting interface. Named Plopp, this tool uses a graph of connected nodes to provide interactivity between multiple plots and widgets, requiring only a few lines of code from the user.

Scipp is available via pip and conda and runs on Linux, Mac and Windows.

Just contribute?!

Wolf Vollprecht, Keynote, Community, Education, and Outreach

Abstract: Open source software is here for everyone - but how are we making sure that everyone has equal access? In this keynote I will discuss how to lower barriers of entry for new contributors - and the many facets to this: documentation, community, guidelines, and tools. I will share my personal motivations for contributing to open-source software and my journey over the past five years and all of its learnings.

Decorators - A Deep Dive

Mike Müller, Tutorial, Scientific Applications

Abstract: Python offers decorator to implement re-usable code for cross-cutting task. The support the separation of cross-cutting concerns such as logging, caching, or checking of permissions. This can improve code modularity and maintainability.

This tutorial is an in-depth introduction to decorators. It covers the usage of decorators and how to implement simple and more advanced decorators. Use cases demonstrate how to work with decorators. In addition to showing how functions can use closures to create decorators, the tutorial introduces callable class instance as alternative. Class decorators can solve problems that use be to be tasks for metaclasses. The tutorial provides uses cases for class decorators.

While the focus is on best practices and practical applications, the tutorial also provides deeper insight into how Python works behind the scene. After the tutorial participants will feel comfortable with functions that take functions and return new functions.

The joys and pains of reproducing research: An experiment in bioimaging data analysis

Marianne Corvellec, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: The conversation about reproducibility is usually focused on how to make research workflows (more) reproducible. Here, we consider it from the opposite perspective, and ask: How feasible is it, in practice, to reproduce research which is meant to be reproducible? Is it even done or attempted? We provide a detailed account of such an attempt, trying to reproduce some segmentation results for 3D microscopy images of a developing mouse embryo. The original research is a monumental work of bioimaging and analysis at the single-cell level, published in Cell in 2018, alongside with all the necessary research artifacts. Did we succeed in this attempt? As we share the joys and pains of this journey, many questions arise: How do reviewers assess the reproducibility claims exactly? Incentivizing reproducible research is still an open problem, since it is so much more costly (in time) to produce. And how can we incentivize those who test reproducibility? Not only is it costly to set up computational environments and execute data-intensive scientific workflows, but it may not appear as rewarding at first thought. In addition, there is a human factor: It is thorny to show authors that their publication does not hold up to their reproducibility claims.

Building robust workflows with strong provenance

Alexander Goscinski, Julian Geiger, Ali Khosravi, Tutorial, Scientific Applications

Abstract: In computational science, different software packages are often glued together as scripts to perform numerical experiments. With increasing complexity, these scripts become unmaintainable, prone to crashes, hard to scale up and to collaborate on. AiiDA solves these problems via a powerful workflow engine and by keeping provenance for the entire workflow. In this tutorial, we learn how to create dynamic workflows combining together different executables that automatically can restart from failed runs and reuse results from completed calculations via caching.

The Array API Standard in SciPy

Lucas Colley, Talk (15 mins + Q&A), High Performance Computing

Abstract: The array API standard is unifying the ecosystem of Python array computing, facilitating greater interoperability between array libraries, including NumPy, CuPy, PyTorch, JAX, and Dask. Find out how we are using it in SciPy to bring support for hardware-accelerated (e.g. GPU) and distributed arrays to our users, and how you can do the same in your library.

Data augmentation with Scikit-LLM

Claudio G. Giancaterino, Talk (15 mins + Q&A), Machine and Deep Learning

Abstract: Scikit-LLM is an innovative Python library, seamlessly integrates Large Language Models into the Scikit-Learn framework. Scikit-LLM becomes a powerful tool for natural language processing (NLP) tasks within the Scikit-Learn pipeline, and I’ll showcase a data augmentation action to build features using zero-shot text classification and text vectorization.

NumPy’s new DType API and 2.0 transition

Sebastian Berg, Maintainer track, Scientific Applications

Abstract: NumPy 2 had some significant changes in its API and required many downstream libraries and users to adapt. One of the larger new features is that the new DType API is now public. This C-API allows more powerful user defined DTypes, for which the new StringDType is an example. In the first part, I will give a brief overview of this API.

Since many downstream projects needed to adapt and publish new versions, in the second part I recap the current and past difficulties in transitioning to NumPy 2. This part of the session will be a forum for open discussion to gauge the challenges faced by users in making this transition.

From stringly typed to strongly typed: Insights from re-designing a library to get the most out of type hints

Janos Gabler, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Community, Education, and Outreach

Abstract: Many scientific Python packages are “stringly typed,” i.e., using strings to select algorithms or methods and dictionaries for configuration. While easy for beginners and convenient for authors, these libraries miss out on static typing benefits like error detection before runtime and autocomplete. This talk shares insights from redesigning the optimagic library from the ground up with static typing in mind. Without compromising on simplicity, we achieve better static analysis, autocomplete, and fewer runtime errors. The insights are not specific to numerical optimization and apply to a wide range of scientific Python packages.

sktime - python toolbox for time series – introduction and new features 2024: foundation models, deep learning backends, probabilistic models, changepoints and segmentation

Franz Kiraly, Tutorial, Machine and Deep Learning

Abstract: sktime is the most widely used scikit-learn compatible framework library for learning with time series. sktime is maintained by a neutral non-profit under permissive license, easily extensible by anyone, and interoperable with the python data science stack.

This tutorial gives a hands-on introduction to sktime, for common time series learning tasks such as forecasting, and an overview of different model categories, pipeline building, feature engineering, model tuning, and autoML.

The tutorial also showcases newest features in 2024, including support for foundation models, hugging face connectors, probabilistic models, categorical features, anomaly and changepoint detection, time series segmentation.

Free-threaded (aka nogil) CPython in the Scientific Python ecosystem : status and road ahead

Loïc Estève, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Machine and Deep Learning

Abstract: CPython 3.13 will be released in October 2024 and has been in beta since May 2024. One of its most awaited features is the possibility to remove the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) through a compile-time flag.

In this talk we will explain the relevance of free-threaded CPython for the Scientific Python ecosystem, what already works, some of the caveats, and how to try it out on your favourite use case.

In particular we will discuss: - the historic effort in the scikit-learn project to add Continuous Integration for the nogil fork of CPython 3.9, and the kind of issues that were surfaced - the ongoing effort in the Scientific Python ecosystem (Numpy, Scipy, scikit-learn, etc …) to test free-threaded CPython 3.13 and fix issues along the way - how a typical scikit-learn grid-search use case can benefit from free-threaded CPython - how to try out free-threaded CPython on your favourite use case - possible future developments

The Parallel Universe in Python - A Time Travel to Python 3.13 and beyond

Mike Müller, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), High Performance Computing

Abstract: Parallel computing is essential for many performance-critical applications. Python provides many solutions for this problem. New versions of Python will support sub-interpreters and a, currently experimental, free-threading version without the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL).

This talk starts with a short overview over this topic, clarifying terms such parallel, concurrent, and distribute computing as well as CPU-bound, memory-bound, and IO-bound problems. The presentation explains how Python and its standard library support parallel programming tasks. In addition, many Python libraries provide very useful approaches and tools for parallel computing. An overview of important libraries provides guidance which library can be used for what type of parallel problem.

How do Python’s new features such as sub-interpreters and free-threading without the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) impact parallel Programming in Python? This talk address this question by providing examples where these features might help to make programs simpler and/or faster.

wgpu and pygfx: next-generation graphics for Python

Almar Klein, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: This talk introduces a new render engine for Python, called pygfx (pronounced “py-graphics”). Its purpose is to bring powerful and reliable visualization to the Python world. Since pygfx is built on wgpu, it has superior performance and reliability compared to OpenGL-based solutions. It is also designed to be versatile: with its modular architecture, one can assemble graphical scenes for diverse applications, ranging from scientific visualization to video games.

The Mission Support System and its use in planning an aircraft campaign

Reimar Bauer, Talk (15 mins + Q&A), Scientific Applications

Abstract: The Mission Support System (MSS) is an open source software package that has been used for planning flight tracks of scientific aircraft in multiple measurement campaigns during the last decade. It consists of many components, a data-retrieval tool chain, a wms server which creates 2-D figures from 4-D meterogical data. A client application for displaying the figures in combination with the planned flight track and other data. For data exchange between participants a collaboration server is used. The talk describes how we used these components for a campaign.

A Qdrant and Specter2 framework for tracking resubmissions of rejected manuscripts in academia

Daniele Raimondi, Talk (15 mins + Q&A), Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: This presentation introduces a Qdrant vector DB and Specter2 model used to identify whether a rejected academic manuscript is later published in a competing journal. Our method combines AI, data science and analytics to ensure a good identification of manuscripts and authors. The findings offer insights into resubmission patterns, enhancing our understanding of academic publishing dynamics. The system is implemented in Python.

Reproducible workflows with AiiDA - The power and challenges of full data provenance

Marnik Bercx, Xing Wang, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Scientific Applications

Abstract: AiiDA is a workflow manager with a strong focus on reproducibility through automated data provenance. In this talk we discuss what it means to have full “data provenance” for scientific workflows, the advantages it offers, but also the challenges it represents for new users and how we deal with them.

Architecting Science Tools: A Roadmap for Turning Theory and Data Projects into Python Packages

Ramon Perez, Tutorial, Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: This workshop aims to address the gap between the development of technical work—whether research or data science—and its reproducibility by providing participants with the necessary knowledge to get started creating Python packages. This means that, if you’re a researcher (with basic Python knowledge) wanting to make your theories more accessible, or a data professional wanting to share your Python code inside or outside of your organization, this workshop will help you understand how to contribute to, and develop, open-source projects from scratch.

10 Years of Open Source: Navigating the Next AI Revolution

Ines Montani, Keynote, Community, Education, and Outreach

Abstract: A lot has been happening in the field of AI and Natural Language Processing: there’s endless excitement about new technologies, sobering post-hype hangovers and also uncertainty about where the field is heading next. In this talk, I’ll share the most important lessons we’ve learned in 10 years of working on open source software, our core philosophies that helped us adapt to an ever-changing AI landscape and why open source and interoperability still wins over black-box, proprietary APIs

A Comparative Study of Open Source Computer Vision Models for Application on Small Data: The Case of CFRP Tape Laying

Thomas Fraunholz, Tim Köhler, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Machine and Deep Learning

Abstract: The world of open source computer vision has never been so exciting - and so challenging. With so many options available to you, what’s the best way to solve your real world problem? The questions are always the same: Do I have enough data? Which model should I choose? How can I fine-tune and optimize the hyperparameters?

In collaboration with the German Aerospace Center, we investigated these questions to develop a model for quality assurance of CFRP tape laying, with only a small real data set fresh from production. We are very pleased to present a machine learning setup that can empirically answer these questions. Not only for us, but also for you - our setup can easily be transferred to your application!

Dive with us into the world of Open Source machine learning tools that are perfectly tailored for your next project. Discover the seamless integration of Hugging Face Model Hub, DvC and Ray Tune. You’ll also gain unique insights into the fascinating world of CFRP tape laying, specifically how well different architectures of open source models perform on our small dataset.

If you want to level up your MLOps game and gain practical knowledge of the latest computer vision models and practices, this talk is a must for you. Don’t miss the opportunity, and look forward to your next computer vision projects!

Building optimized packages for conda-forge and PyPI

Wolf Vollprecht, Bas Zalmstra, Talk (15 mins + Q&A), High Performance Computing

Abstract: In this talk we’re introducing a new tool to build conda packages. It has been adopted by the conda community and is being rolled out in the widely used conda-forge distribution. The new recipe format has been vetted in multiple Conda Enhancement Proposals (CEPs). We are going to introduce the exciting new features of rattler-build (reproducible builds, high speed build execution, etc.). Using some examples, we will then discuss how you can use rattler-build & conda-forge to build highly optimized packages with SIMD and CUDA support. We will also take a look at cibuildwheel and recent improvements in the PyPI space for CUDA.

Improving the build config of your package

Ralf Gommers, Maintainer track, Scientific Applications

Abstract: Goals:

  • Share tips, tricks and best practices for configuring the build backend of a Python package with compiled (Cython/C/C++/Rust/Fortran) code
  • Identify shared needs between packages, and discuss gaps in current build backends, documentation, or shared infrastructure


  • Goals to aim for in your build config (and how to achieve them):
  • Faster builds and relevant tooling like profiling,
  • Build logs that actually help when diagnosing issues,
  • How to debug build failures effectively,
  • How to check for and visualize build dependencies,
  • Ensuring builds are reproducible,
  • Approaches to reducing binary size,
  • CI config ideas to guard against regressions
  • Recent build-related developments & a post-distutils world
  • What are the most pressing pain points for maintainers?

Skrub: prepping tables for machine learning

Guillaume Lemaitre, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Machine and Deep Learning

Abstract: When it comes to designing machine learning predictive models, it is reported that data scientists spend over 80% of their time preparing the data to input to the machine learning algorithm.

Currently, no automated solution exists to address this problem. However, the skrub Python library is here to alleviate some of the daily tasks of data scientists and offer an integration with the scikit-learn machine learning library.

In this talk, we provide an overview of the features available in skrub.

First, we focus on the preprocessing stage closest to the data sources. While predictive models usually expect a single design matrix and a target vector (or matrix), in practice, it is common that data are available from different data tables. It is also possible that the data to be merged are slightly different, making it difficult to join them. We will present the skrub joiners that handle such use cases and are fully compatible with scikit-learn and its pipeline.

Then, another issue widely tackled by data scientists is dealing with heterogeneous data types (e.g., dates, categorical, numerical). We will present the TableVectorizer, a preprocessor that automatically handles different types of encoding and transformation, reducing the amount of boilerplate code to write when designing predictive models with scikit-learn. Like the joiner, this transformer is fully compatible with scikit-learn.

Introduction to Polars: Fast and Readable Data Analysis

Geir Arne Hjelle, Tutorial, Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: Polars is a new, powerful library for doing analysis on structured data. The library focuses on processing speed and a consistent and intuitive API. This tutorial will help you get started with Polars, by showing you how to read and write data and manipulate it with Polars’ powerful expression syntax. You’ll learn about how the lazy API is an important key to Polars’ efficiency.

Optimagic: Can we unify Python’s numerical optimization ecosystem?

Janos Gabler, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Community, Education, and Outreach

Abstract: Python has many high quality optimization algorithms but they are scattered across many different packages. Switching between packages is cumbersome and time consuming. Other languages are ahead of Python in this respect. For example, Optimization.jl provides a unified interface to more than 100 optimization algorithms and is widely accepted as a standard interface for optimization in Julia.

In this talk, we take stock of the existing optimization ecosystem in Python and analyze pain points and reasons why no single package has emerged as a standard so far. We use these findings to derive desirable features a Python optimization package would need to unify the ecosystem.

We then present optimagic, a NumFocus affiliated Project with the goal of unifying the Python optimization ecosystem. Optimagic provides a common interface to optimization algorithms from scipy, NlOpt, pygmo, and many other libraries. The minimize function feels familiar to users of scipy.optimize who are looking for a more extensive set of supported optimizers. Advanced users can use optional arguments to configure every aspect of the optimization, create a persistent log file, turn local optimizers global with a multistart framework, and more.

Finally, we discuss an ambitious roadmap for improvements, new features, and planned community activities for optimagic.

Conformal Prediction with MAPIE: A Journey into Reliable Uncertainty Quantification

Claudio G. Giancaterino, Talk (15 mins + Q&A), Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: In the ever-evolving landscape of data science, accurate uncertainty quantification is crucial for decision-making processes. Conformal Prediction (CP) stands out as a powerful framework for addressing this challenge by providing reliable uncertainty estimates alongside predictions. In this talk, I’ll delve into the world of Conformal Prediction, with a focus on the MAPIE Python library, offering a comprehensive understanding of its advantages and practical applications.

Federated Learning: Where we are and where we need to be

Katharine Jarmul, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Machine and Deep Learning

Abstract: In this talk, we’ll review the landscape of open-source federated learning libraries with a lens on actual real world data problems, use cases and actors who could benefit from federated learning. We’ll then analyze gaps, weaknesses and explore new ways we could formulate federated learning problems (and their associated libraries!) to build more useful software and use decentralized machine learning in real world use cases.

Understanding NetworkX’s API Dispatching with a parallel backend

Erik Welch, Aditi Juneja, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Community, Education, and Outreach

Abstract: Hi! Have you ever wished your pure Python libraries were faster? Or wanted to fundamentally improve a Python library by rewriting everything in a faster language like C or Rust? Well, wish no more… NetworkX’s backend dispatching mechanism redirects your plain old NetworkX function calls to a FASTER implementation present in a separate backend package by leveraging the Python’s entry_point specification!

NetworkX is a popular, pure Python library used for graph(aka network) analysis. But when the graph size increases (like a network of everyone in the world), then NetworkX algorithms could take days to solve a simple graph analysis problem. So, to address these performance issues this backend dispatching mechanism was recently developed. In this talk, we will unveil this dispatching mechanism and its implementation details, and how we can use it just by specifying a backend kwarg like this:

>>> nx.betweenness_centrality(G, backend=“parallel”)

or by passing the backend graph object(type-based dispatching):

>>> H = nxp.ParallelGraph(G)
>>> nx.betweenness_centrality(H)

We’ll also go over the limitations of this dispatch mechanism. Then we’ll use the example of nx-parallel as a guide to building our own custom NetworkX backend. And then, using NetworkX’s existing test suite, we’ll test this backend that we build. Ending with a quick dive into the details of the nx-parallel backend.

OpenGL is dying, let’s talk about WebGPU

Almar Klein, Maintainer track, Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: OpenGL is old and on a path to being deprecated. Modern GPU API’s like Vulkan and Metal solve most problems that plague OpenGL, and higher abstractions like wgpu / WebGPU provide a modern interface to control GPU hardware. The way that these work is much more pleasant to work with, and also provides performance benefits, especially for Python.

Enhancing Bayesian Optimization with Ensemble Models for Categorical Domains

Ilya Komarov, Talk (15 mins + Q&A), Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: Bayesian optimization is a powerful technique for optimizing black-box, costly-to-evaluate functions, widely applicable across diverse fields. However, Gaussian process (GP) models commonly used in Bayesian optimization struggle with functions defined on categorical or mixed domains, limiting optimization in scenarios with numerous categorical inputs. In this talk, we present a solution by leveraging ensemble models for probabilistic modelling, providing a robust approach to optimize functions with categorical inputs. We showcase the effectiveness of our method through a Bayesian optimization setup implemented with the BoTorch library, utilizing probabilistic models from the XGBoostLSS framework. By integrating these tools, we achieve efficient optimization on domains with categorical variables, unlocking new possibilities for optimization in practical applications.

Scientific Python

Jarrod Millman, Stéfan van der Walt, Maintainer track, Community, Education, and Outreach

Abstract: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec odio erat, posuere non sodales ac, iaculis quis augue. Morbi et justo tellus. Donec et est diam. Sed nec libero ac leo vehicula ornare. Proin imperdiet risus at aliquam iaculis. Nam maximus mi vitae turpis aliquet, eget mollis leo imperdiet. Nunc nec sapien ornare, cursus urna in, dignissim ante. Ut nec sapien in nunc elementum pretium. Donec varius ante quis ipsum imperdiet volutpat. Praesent tristique turpis mi, id mattis augue feugiat nec. Phasellus nec feugiat nunc. Suspendisse at felis a lorem congue sodales. Nam consectetur mi in posuere ultricies. Vestibulum nisi lacus, suscipit ac nisl id, mattis faucibus libero.

Regularizing Python using Structured Control Flow

Valentin Haenel, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), High Performance Computing

Abstract: In this talk we will present applied research and working code to regularize Python programs using a Structured Control Flow Graph (SCFG). This is a novel approach to rewriting programs at the source level such that the resulting (regularized) program is potentially more amenable to compiler optimizations, for example when using Numba[1] to compile Python. The SCFG representation of a program is simpler to analyze and thus significantly easier to optimize because the higher order semantic information regarding the program structure is explicitly included. This can be of great benefit to many scientific applications such as High Performance Computing (HPC), a discipline that relies heavily on compiler optimizations to turn user source code into highly performant executables. Additionally the SCFG format is a first step to representing Python programs as Regionalized Value State Dependence Graphs (RVSDGs). This is another recently proposed program representation which is expected to unlock even more advanced compiler optimizations at the Intermediary Representation (IR) level. The talk will cover an introduction to the theory of SCFGs and RVSDG and demonstrate how programs are transformed. We will start with simple Python programs containing control-flow constructs and then show both the SCFG representation and the resulting regularized result to illustrate the transformations.

Introduction to NumPy

Sarah Diot-Girard, Tutorial, Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: Are you starting to use Python for scientific computing? Join this tutorial to know more about NumPy, the building block for nearly all libraries in the scientific ecosystem. You will learn how to manipulate NumPy arrays, understand how they store data and discover how to get optimal performances. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to start working with NumPy and know the main pitfalls to avoid.

A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Contributing to Open Source

Sebastian Berg, Nikoleta E. Glynatsi, Tutorial, Community, Education, and Outreach

Abstract: Open-source projects are essential for scientific programming. They provide many tools and resources that can be customized for different scientific needs. However, sometimes the existing tools in a package don’t meet all the requirements of a project. This is when contributing to open-source packages becomes important. By contributing, you can implement new functionalities, improve the software and help keep the open-source community strong.

This workshop will make contributing to open-source projects easier to understand. It will guide participants from just using the software to actively contributing to it. The workshop will address technical challenges such as interacting with web-based hosting services (like GitHub and GitLab), branching, and opening pull requests. Additionally, it will cover how to contribute documentation and ensure the correctness of the code.

Mostly Harmless Fixed Effects Regression in Python with PyFixest

Alexander Fischer, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: This session introduces PyFixest, an open source Python library inspired by the “fixest” R package. PyFixest implements fast routines for the estimation of regression models with high-dimensional fixed effects, including OLS, IV, and Poisson regression. The library also provides tools for robust inference, including heteroscedasticity-robust and cluster robust standard errors, as well as the wild cluster bootstrap and randomization inference. Additionally, PyFixest implements several routines for difference-in-differences estimation with staggered treatment adoption.

PyFixest aims to faithfully replicate the core design principles of “fixest”, offering post-estimation inference adjustments, user-friendly syntax for multiple estimations, and efficient post-processing capabilities. By making efficient use of jit-compilation, it is also one of the fastest solutions for regressions with high-dimensional fixed effects.

The presentation will argue why there is a need for another regression package in Python, cover PyFixest’s functionality and design philosophy, and discuss future development prospects.

Probabilistic classification and cost-sensitive learning with scikit-learn

Guillaume Lemaitre, Olivier Grisel, Tutorial, Machine and Deep Learning

Abstract: Data scientists are repeatedly told that it is absolutely critical to align their model training methodology with a specific business objective. While being a rather good advice, it usually falls short on details on how to achieve this in practice.

This hands-on tutorial aims to introduce helpful theoretical concepts and concrete software tools to help them bridge this gap. This method will be illustrated on a worked practical use case: optimizing the operations of a fraud detection system for a payment processing platform.

More specifically, we will introduce the concepts of calibrated probabilistic classifiers, how to evaluate them and fix common causes of mis-calibration. In a second part, we will explore how to turn probabilistic classifiers into optimal business decision makers.

Helmholtz Blablador and the LLM models’ ecosystem

Alexandre Strube, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Machine and Deep Learning

Abstract: Helmholtz Blablador is the LLM inference server from the Helmholtz Foundation. This talk explores Blablador’s role in hosting open-source LLM models and models developed in-house at the Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC). This talk is about Blablador and the open source LLM models’ ecosystem.

forecasting foundation models: evaluation and integration with sktime – challenges and outcomes

Franz Kiraly, Talk (25 mins + Q&A), Machine and Deep Learning

Abstract: Foundation models are here for forecasting! This will conclusively solve all forecasting problems with a one-model-fits-all approach! Or … maybe not?

Fact is, an increasingly growing number of foundation models for time series and forecasting hitting the market.

To innocent end users, this situation raises various challenges and questions. How do I integrate the models as candidates into existing forecasting workflows? Are the models performant? How do they compare to more classical choices? Which one to pick? How to know whether to “upgrade”?

At sktime, we have tried so you don’t have to! Although you will probably be forced to anyway, but even then, it’s worth sharing experiences.

Our key challenges and findings are presented in this talk – for instance, the unexpected fragmentation of the ecosystem, difficulties in evaluating the models fairly, and more.

(sktime is an openly governed community with neutral point of view. You may be surprised to hear that this talk will not try to sell you a foundation model)

Introduction to Python

Mojdeh Rastgoo, Tutorial, Community, Education, and Outreach

Abstract: This tutorial will provide an introduction to Python intended for beginners.

It will notably introduce the following aspects:

  • built-in types
  • controls flow (i.e. conditions, loops, etc.)
  • built-in functions
  • basic Python class

Image analysis in Python with scikit-image

Lars Grüter, Marianne Corvellec, Stéfan van der Walt, Tutorial, Data Science and Visualisation

Abstract: Scientists are producing more and more images with telescopes, microscopes, MRI scanners, etc. They need automatable tools to measure what they’ve imaged and help them turn these images into knowledge. This tutorial covers the fundamentals of algorithmic image analysis, starting with how to think of images as NumPy arrays, moving on to basic image filtering, and finishing with a complete workflow: segmenting a 3D image into regions and making measurements on those regions.